Papers to suit all mediums including Drawing, Pastels, Watercolour, Oil & Acrylic, Sketching & Markers, Printing, Bookmaking and more. We stock a variety of Individual Sheets, Pads, Blocks, Sketchbooks & Journals, Specialty Papers, Card and Mat board.

Paper is a versatile surface available in a variety of materials, colours and sheet sizes, suitable for uses including drawing, watercolour, alcohol markers, printmaking, bookmaking, ink play, calligraphy and more. But how do you choose which paper to use? At Murrays we believe the best way to learn is through experimentation and play, but here are a few tips to working on paper. When faced with many options, your paper choice can be guided by how you intend to use it.
For drawing, the surface and weight of the paper are two important factors to consider. We stock smooth surface papers for fine work and some with a slight texture. You will find a range of heavier weighted papers (200gsm+) as they are great to draw on and easier to frame and store. GSM refers to “grams per square metre” and indicates the weight of the paper. Black and coloured papers are great for tonal drawings when working with white, pastel or coloured pencils. Some papers have a textured surface to hold dry mediums such as coloured pencil and pastel. When working with alcohol ink you may prefer a paper that doesn’t bleed through.
When choosing a paper to paint on, look for materials with strength and durability that can withstand water, paint and brushstrokes. 100% cotton rag paper is available in Rough, Cold Pressed (textured) and Hot Pressed (smooth) and is ideal for mediums such as watercolour.
We stock a selection of individual sheets, and paper available in blocks, pads, journals and sketch books. Browse our paper range below to learn more or visit us in store, we can help you find the best paper for your next artwork or project.
Individual Sheets
245gsm in assorted colours. A 100% cotton paper with a smooth surface, 2 deckled edges, made in the USA. This versatile paper is a ph neutral printmakers paper. It is tightly compressed and will handle a water bath well. That smooth surface also makes it suitable for use with pen and ink, watercolour, pencil, and is excellent for silk screening.
Canson Edition
250gsm in white. A popular and versatile 100% cotton paper that is double sided with smooth and light grain surfaces.
Canson “C” a grain
224gsm in white. The name refers to this paper’s slightly grained texture that allows the artist to quickly achieve subtle effects of depth as well as shading between shadow and light. Its is perfect for artistic drawing. This versatile paper is suitable for dry techniques such as pencil, pastel, charcoal and sanguine and wet techniques as the paper remains flat.*
Canson Figueras
Canvas paper 290gsm. Dedicated to oil painting, Figueras paper offers a texture similar to a canvas. It is easy to carry and can even be laminated on a board. Figueras paper features a special barrier that is able to absorb oil, binders and solvents, while allowing the paint to remain on the surface, achieving true-to-life colours without leaving an oily halo on the back of the sheet. This unique paper has a texture that resembles linen and its thickness is perfect for this technique. The paper is ready to use for oil and acrylic without priming or preparation. Figueras paper is acid-free and has excellent conservation properties which guarantees the artwork will stand the test of time.*
Canson Blotting paper
Essential for drying or restoring drawings and ink-based documents, the blotting paper contains cotton and is highly absorbent. In addition to protecting hand writing works, it is also often used as a desk blotter, for framing or for stamp collections, for making herbariums, and generally to absorb medium excess whatever the artistic practice.*
Canson Glassine Paper
Available in sheets, Glassine will help protect and conserve your images when stacking, shipping, displaying in photo albums, portfolios or storage boxes. it is a perfect interleaver for pastels and suitable for "fixing" using compression.
Blending Card
Specially paper created for use with alcohol markers. Ultra-smooth, non-pilling surface is perfect for marker blending and illustration, stamping and cardmaking. Excellent for use with Copic markers.
Yupo Paper
Is synthetic paper with superior strength and an ultra-smooth surface that repels water. Suitable for alcohol/spirit based inks, watercolours, and acrylics.
Bookmaking, Card, Specialty and other papers available per sheet include:
• Cartridge Paper, 110gsm
• Mulberry paper 70gsm in assorted colours and textures
• Rice paper 40gsm in white 18×24 inches
• Mineral paper 150gsm excellent for multimedia
• Transfer paper in white, graphite and yellow sheets (see us at the counter for these)
• Tracing paper in pads and by the sheet
• Ezicut stencil paper
• Newsprint (Butchers’ paper)
• Tissue Paper
• Strawboard
• Foam core in 3mm or 5mm
• Mat board in budget and specialty colours. Packs of mat board offcuts and foam core offcuts are often available from our framing workshop.
Pastel Paper
Pastel paper is unique as it has a toothy surface allowing the pastel to adhere to the surface of the paper. The surfaces of our textured papers come in sanded finish. Primer is also available if you wish to make your own pastel paper. Our selection of pastel papers in assorted coloured include:
• Canson Pastel “Touch” 355gsm sanded papers
• Art Spectrum Colourfix sanded (Original) and smooth papers 340gsm
• Canson Mi-Teintes Pastel Drawing 165gsm
• Clairefontaine Pastelmat 360gsm
• Fabriano Tiziano 160gsm
Watercolour Paper
We stock a range watercolour papers in a variety of styles, sizes and for all budgets. Choose from individual sheets, or browse our select of blocks, pads and journals in store. Most of our sheet papers are 560mm by 760mm but size can differ depending on how the paper is produced. We stock hand-made papers, mould-made and machine-made papers. Ask for assistance in store and we will wrap your paper after purchase to get it home safe.
Arches Aquarelle Watercolour Paper
Made in France using a traditional process on a cylinder mould. Sized to the core with natural gelatin: a process exclusive to Arches. Arches is the only paper mill in the world to gelatin size its watercolour paper “to the core”. Even if it is soaked for a long time, the paper will still retain enough gelatin not to become too absorbent.** Our most popular Arches watercolour papers are available in hot press, cold press and rough in 185gsm, 300gsm, & 640gsm individual sheets. Oversize sheets available in 365gsm.
Baohong Artists’ Watercolour Paper
This Chinese watercolour paper is of a high standard that reflects their loev and respect of watercolour. Available in a variety of sizes in hot pressed, cold pressed and rough in 300gsm in individual sheets and packs of 10 sheets.
Fabriano Artistico Watercolour Papers
Vegan friendly option, with improved colour lifting and increased surface resistance, made in Italy. Available in Hot pressed, cold pressed and rough in 300gsm individual sheets.
Saunders Waterford Watercolour Paper
Hot pressed, cold pressed and rough in 300gsm in individual sheets in either white or high white.
Journals, Pads & Blocks
Journals, sketchbooks and visual diaries, are available in portrait or landscape orientation in a variety of paper choices and thicknesses. Choose from soft or hard covers, either spiral bound or stitch bound allowing you to work across the crease. Take your sketchbook on the go to capture moments out and about or ‘en plein air’ (outdoors). Perfect for use with graphite, pen and ink, and water-brushes, just make sure the paper you choose is durable enough for your chosen medium.
Pads are a convenient method of purchasing paper for drawing, painting and mixed media. Use the pages while attached on the singular glued side or easily rip out pages before or after use.
Paper blocks, usually containing watercolour paper, are glued on all sides. The glued edges prevent the sheet from buckling during painting and therefore eliminates the artist’s need to stretch the paper before painting. Simply slip your letter opener into the gap to work the edges to release when done.
Our selection of Journals, Sketchbooks and Pads are usually available in A5, A4 and A3 sizes. Come in and browse our current selection or call to get product details, availability, and advice. In this section you may find:
Arttec Como Sketch pad
210gsm, Australian made and owned, versatile drawing cartridge paper suitable for sketching with watercolour, pencil, ink, charcoal, pastel and crayon.
Bristol pad
200gsm, Acid Free paper with ultra-smooth surface. Ideal for ink, solvent based markers, felt tip pens, watercolour, gouache, airbrush, pencil and charcoal. Surface resistant to repeated erasures and scraping.***
Canson Bleedproof pad
70gsm. A premium smooth, bright white surface for crisp, marker renderings. Great for calligraphy and use with Copic markers.
Other Pads available in-store may include:
• Premium Drawing Paper Pads 210gsm
• Cartridge paper pads 110gsm
• Yupo pads available in white, translucent and pearl
• Bamboo Paper pads
• Newsprint pads
• Kraft paper pads
• Tracing paper pads
• Arttec Oil Sketch pads
• Mixed Media pads
• Toned & black pads
Sketchbooks, Journals and Visual Diaries
A wide range available in either soft or hard covers, with white, tonal, colours and black pages. Visit our store to see our full selection of sketchbooks from brands:
• Fabriano
• Strathmore
• X-Press It
• Stillman & Birn
• Inskribe
• Winsor & Newton
• Milini
Watercolour pads, Block and Journals
Available in hardcover, soft cover, spiral bound, block or pads of watercolour paper in a various of textures in the following brands:
• Winsor & Newton
• Arches
• Winslow
• Saunders Waterford
• Baohong
• Art Spectrum
• Canson
Information provided by *Canson, **Arches ***Fabriano
Although we do not have an online store, we are happy to help you over the phone.
We can deliver or post your items or put them aside in-store for collection.