Explore our extensive range of colour in Acrylic, Oils, Watercolour, Gouache & Other Specialty Paints, Pigments, Tubes, Pans, Sets, Painting Mediums and Accessories

With the largest range of paint brands and painting mediums in Toowoomba, Murray's extensive selection includes Australian and International brands to provide our artists with quality and variety of what is currently on the market. We stock paint suitable for the beginners through to the professional artist. Making sure to have the big three covered, Acrylic, Oil and Watercolour, and all the mediums and accessories to suit them, our shop also stocks a selection of artists’ inks, gouache, powdered pigments and more.
Acrylic Paint
Acrylic is a fast-drying paint made of pigment suspended in acrylic polymer emulsion. This medium is water-soluble, but water-resistant when dry. Acrylic can be used in a way that resembles either oil or watercolour painting. Acrylic paint and inks are often used as the basis of mixed media. The possibilities are endless.
Our range of acrylic paints in store includes heavy body, fluid or flow consistency and a wide selection of acrylic painting mediums and varnishes designed to compliment and enhance your painting techniques. We have lots to choose from when it comes to acrylic paints because they are easy and fun to use. Let’s take a closer look at the brands we stock.
Recognised as the world’s leading artist’s acrylic paint, built with the highest pigment loading for intense colour. The broadest range of gels, mediums & additives available allows more opportunity for every technique.* Established in the USA in 1980, Golden Artist Colours are known for their superior pigment load and exceptional quality and consistency. We are proud to stock Golden acrylics and mediums to do almost anything you can imagine. Our range includes Golden Heavy Body Acrylics, Golden Fluid Acrylics, Golden High Flow (for air brushing).
Matisse by Derivan
Since 1964 operating out of stables in Sydney's inner city, Derivan has been committed to providing the arts community with the world's finest-quality artist acrylic colours and mediums. The founders of the company had a vision "to make available to artists worldwide a premium paint while remaining environmentally and socially responsible". Derivan’s promise to the artist is realised in their Matisse range of premium acrylics and mediums, all made to the highest standards to ensure not only the most brilliant and pure results, but a safety in the knowledge that your work will not crack, fade, or change over time in any way.*
In store, you will find Matisse Acrylic in both structure and flow, paint sets, coloured gesso, and a wide range of mediums and varnishes. Choose this Australian made paint for their archival quality and good lightfastness.
Atelier Interactive
Atelier Interactive Professional Artists’ Acrylic has the rich, buttery consistency and brilliant colour that artists love. Perfect for impasto, textural and glazing techniques, these lightfast paints offer artists unsurpassed control over the painting process when used with Atelier Mediums.**
Atelier Interactive is the only artists’ acrylic that allows an artist to have complete control over its drying speed as it can be reactivated with water. This professional artists’ acrylic offers exceptional pigment loading, and lightfastness and has a velvety satin finish. Products we stock in this range include a wide range of mediums, surface preparations and varnishes. In store you will also find Atelier Free Flow, the pourable cousin of Atelier Interactive and the most fluid and vivid matte artists’ acrylic in the world with amazing coverage, spreadability and simply “flies off the brush.”**
Jo Sonja Matte Flow Acrylic
Also from Chroma, Jo Sonja Matte Flow Acrylics are water resistant and contain ASTM lightfast pigments to ensure they will not fade over time. They have superb handling and brushing characteristics, will not chip or crack and dry to a velvet matte finish. The line offers professional quality, lightfast acrylic artists’ colours plus a range of exciting mediums.**
We have a range of Jo Sonja paints most popular colours, mediums, surface preparations and effects originally designed for folk art but proving to be a versatile addition to the professional mixed media artists’ kit.
Atelier A2 Lightfast Heavy Body Acrylic
This fantastic, lightfast acrylic at a great single price point. Build your confidence in paint handling without breaking your budget.** They dry in a low gloss finish, have a great range of earth colours and are available in large volume bottles for classroom use.
Chromacryl Student’s Acrylic
This is a fast-drying, water-based acrylic paint that offers limitless possibilities and applications in the art classroom and at home.** This range is a terrific economical option providing a non toxic, classroom friendly paint, great for children.
Acrylic Mediums
Whether you want to change the consistency or drying time of your paint prepare your surfaces or create a textural effect, our range of painting mediums suitable for acrylic will have something to suit your needs. Visit our store to browse our extensive range and chat to one of our artists about how painting mediums can enhance your process. Mediums are available in your favourite brands mentioned above and some of our most popular items include:
Huge selection Atelier Mediums designed to be used with Atelier Interactive Acrylic range, includes Liquefying Medium, Thin, Middle and Thick Medium, Binder Medium.
Atelier Moulding Paste - A very thick, textural paste used for exaggerated structure.***
Atelier Pouring Medium - Designed for extreme fluid effects and pouring techniques. Self leveling and dries to a gloss finish.***
Atelier Gesso primer in 250ml, 500ml and 1L
A range of Jo Sonja’s Mediums and Gesso
Matisse Transparent and Coloured Gesso
Acrylic Ink
We stock Daler Rowney FW Acrylic Artists Inks and Daler Rowney FW Pearlescent Liquid Acrylic Ink in a wide range of colours. Just like acrylic paints they have a polymer base but are thinner (they come with a dropper) more transparent and glossier. They are lightfast and can be used in airbrushes and technical pens making them a versatile medium.
Information provided by *Derivan and **Chroma

Oil Paint
Painting in oils has been popular since the 15th century. It uses pigments combined with drying oil, such as linseed, as the binder. Traditional oils use mediums or solvents within the painting process, but more recently, water-miscible paints have become available, allowing clean-up with soap and water.
Visit us in store to view our extensive range of oil paints, accessories, and brand specific mediums and solvents to support your creative endeavours. Chat to us about low-toxic alternatives and view our colour swatches to see our colour range in person.
At Murray’s, our range of oils includes:
Langridge Professional Oils and Mediums
We stock Langridge Artist Oils because they are a top-quality, Australian product. In fact, they’re ranked 8th in the world. The ever-increasing colour range is coupled with low toxic solvents and paint mediums. They are a high-performance paint with a saturated pigment load unadulterated by fillers. Hand made in Melbourne, they look and feel different because they are different. “Constructed with the highest pigment loading they are the world’s first oil paint specifically based on contemporary high-saturation colours. Langridge’s reputation is also built on the manufacture of highest specification oil mediums for the manipulation of paints to the artists’ needs.”*
Art Spectrum Oils
Art Spectrum is proudly Australian owned and has been manufacturing for 50 years using the highest quality lightfast pigments which are triple-milled with traditional methods using the purest of linseed oil. Many unique and beautiful ‘Australian’ colours feature in the 105 oil colour range with series from 1 to 5.**
We stock tubes and sets of Art Spectrum Artists’ Oil Colours because they are a great Australian brand with colours designed for the Australian artists prepared in the traditional way. We also have Art Spectrum Oil Mediums including odourless solvent, artist and pure gum turps, painting mediums, Darmar varnish, linseed and stand oil.
Winsor & Newton Oil
We have Winsor and Newton in three styles, professional Artist oils, Winton (student quality) and Artisan (water miscible). These are supported by their range of mediums including painting medium, thinner, gloss and matt varnishes.
W&N Artists' Oil Colour
Formulated with the finest pigments for beautiful colours with excellent tinting strength; use thickly or thin to a very fine glaze. Every tube of Artists’ Oil Paint contains a calculated ratio of oil and pigment based on the quantity of oil in the tube. This varies from colour to colour because, just as some pigments need to be ground finer than others, they also need more, or less, oil to provide optimal performance.***
W&N Winton Oil Colour
Beautiful colours containing fine art pigments offering dependable quality. Ideal for those using large volumes of paint.* This student quality range offers a more economical option when beginning your oil painting journey.
Artisan Water Mixable Oil Colour
Substitute hazardous solvents for water without any compromise on quality, designed to look and work just like traditional oil paint.*** Available in a limited colour range and accompanying mediums, this new oil painting option is water-miscible making of easier clean up and a lower toxicity option.
Oil Mediums & Accessories
Don’t Like the Fumes? Choose from our low toxic solvents and mediums for oil painting. These include the stars of the show Langridge solvent 75 and Gamblin Gamsol. We also have Art Spectrum pure gum turpentine and odourless turps as well as a good range of Langridge low toxicity mediums and solvents.
In our oils section you will also find a range of oil painting accessories such as a range of palettes, including wooden, tear-off and greys, linseed oil, finishing varnishes, dippers and brush cleaners, brushes and palette/painting knives.
Looking for a surface to paint on? At Murray’s we stock a variety of prepared surfaces including premium stretched canvas in an extensive range of sizes, canvas board, Canson oil paper, un-primed basswood panels, and Ampersand Museum Series Panels made with conservator-quality materials and sealing processes to provide luxurious surface, perfect for oils.
Information provided by *Langridge, **Art Spectrum & ***Winsor & Newton

Watercolour or ‘aquarelle’ are made of pigments in a water-based solution of gum arabic and are mostly painted on a paper surface. They are known for their transparent and luminous qualities, though many pigments are opaque, such as Chinese White. The characteristics of today’s watercolours are quite varied, with granulating, staining or sedimentary colours. They are also popular for use in ‘en-plein-air’ painting (outdoors) and urban sketching, often using the pen and wash technique.
Murray’s selection of watercolour brands include:
Daniel Smith Watercolour
These extra fine, professional watercolours are one of our most popular brands due to their maximum pigment load, unsurpassed tinting strength and wide range of colours. We love Daniel Smith water colours and are constantly increasing our range. These are handmade in Chicago and represent excellent value for money and great inventiveness in colours. We love the granulating colours, the luminescents with their mica sparkle, the ancient minerals of the PrimaTek colours and their regular range which boast superior lightfastness and some very lively brights.
“I think it’s so important for artists to have access to products that increase their ability to express themselves and create beauty. I was never entirely motivated by making money, it has always been about making art. Art is a virtuous endeavor and deserves our respect.” – Dan Smith, founder of DANIEL SMITH, World's Finest Artist's Paints, Made in the USA Since 1976*
Maimeri Blu Superior Watercolours
A great range of Italian made paints available in tubes and sets.” MaimeriBlu features an absolute purity of pigments that, together with gum arabic, compose the totality of the mixture. Imperceptible, transparent, clean. No blending powders, and no additives. Nothing harmonises or synchronises the shift between the various shades. The real value lies in the transparency of its colours and in the freshness of its washes. It is the whiteness of the paper that illuminates this type of painting. The light is behind the colour.”
Winsor and Newton Professional Watercolours
This tried-and-true English brand, Winsor and Newton is recognised for using only the purest pigments to ensure quality and permanence in their Professional Watercolour range. We have a limited selection of the 5ml tubes and Cottmans sets by Winsor and Newton. These have always held a spot in many an artists heart and continue to be the “first set” that many budding artists start on.
Art Spectrum Artists’ Watercolours
This is an Australian brand that stands out because of their inclusion of only lightfast pigments. “In accordance with proven traditional methods of production, all Art Spectrum Artists’ Watercolours are carefully triple-roll milled to enhance the individual brilliance of each selected permanent pigment and to maximise its handling qualities. Successful watercolours depend on selecting the best quality paper, the permanence and brilliance of the pigments and the use of a wide variety of quality brushes. Art Spectrum does not recommend using their Artists’ Watercolours as pans.”**
Van Gogh Watercolour by Royal Talens
“Van Gogh water colours are a student and artist level range of paints featuring brilliant, transparent, and intense colours with high tinting strength. Most colours are rated with the highest degree of lightfastness +++ (100+ years under museum conditions) with a few colours rated just one step below at ++ (25-100 years under museum conditions). Thanks to the purity and uniform viscosity, these water colours are easy to work with and easy to mix. Proudly produced in Holland with stringent quality control for a consistent experience with every purchase.”***
Van Gogh is available in individual tubes, tube sets, pocket box pan sets which come in a wide variety of palette combos and individual pans so you can build your own palette.
Even more in-store
Did you know you can customise and build your own pan set? We have all the bits and pieces to turn your own tube collection into a pan set for travelling. Also, Derwent have recently added pan sets to their range. Come in try something new with our exciting collection of Inktense and Graphitint pan sets.
Watercolour Accessories
In our watercolour section we like to keep in stock bits and pieces to help you on your watercolour journey, including:
• masking and gummed tapes
• watercolour mediums including gum Arabic
• masking fluid in bottles and pens
• watercolour ground for preparing your own surface
• Gatorboard in various sizes
• palettes with deep wells, watertight travel palettes, and student palettes
• empty pans in full and half and empty tins to put them in
• a huge selection of paintbrushes (see our product page all about Brushes)
• Cotton paper and Ampersand Museum Series boards for water mediums. Check out our brands and styles of watercolour papers available in our paper product page.
What is Gatorboard?
Gatorboard is often used as a backing for wet materials such as watercolour painting on paper. It is much stronger than regular foam board, but is about the same weight. Gatorboard's very rigid fibreglass surface resists warping and moisture, unlike foamcore board which is covered with lightweight paper. Gatorboard’s strength comes from its layer of extruded polystyrene foam encased between layers of a fibreglass veneer. It is available in full, half and quarter sized sheets in either 5mm or 10mm thickness or can be custom cut to size.
Information supplied by *Daniel Smith, **Art Spectrum & *** Royal Talens

Gouache is sometimes called ‘body colour’ or ‘opaque watercolour’ and is a member of the water-medium family. Like watercolour it also uses gum arabic as its binder, with the additions of precipitated chalk or whiting to give the paint its opacity. It can be used with washes, like watercolour or applied in a consistency like fluid acrylic for coverage over backgrounds. It dries quickly, but is still re-wettable, so needs to be framed behind glass for protection. Often used by designers and illustrators, it can be painted on many surfaces, though paper is a popular choice. Gouache is growing in popularity due to its flat matte colours, vibrancy and fast drying nature.
Our selection of gouache products includes:
Winsor & Newton Designers Gouache
“Opaque matt colour, perfect for creating bold, vibrant artworks. Popular with designers, illustrators and commercial artists.* Available in 14ml tube in a limited range of colours and sets.
Art Spectrum Artist & Designers’ Gouache
“A non-toxic, resoluble, quick-drying, water-based colour of excellent opacity with a consistent, velvety finish that can be applied to create opaque fields of colour or used to create delicate washes like watercolours. Art Spectrum Gouache is lightfast with an extremely high level of pigment loading providing excellent covering power and clean mixing abilities. Art Spectrum use superior quality pigments and binders. Each colour is then carefully triple-milled to maximise the pigments’ brilliance.”** Available in individual 22.5ml tubes.
Gansai Tambi Gouache Sets
Technically watercolour these paints do behave a bit like a gouache but can aslo make lovely transparent washes. Traditional Japanese pan watercolours for professional artists and crafters, recognizable by its vivid colour and quick dissolution. The rich and intense colours of Gansai Tambi are handcrafted, professional-quality pigment inks. These high-calibre watercolours are blendable with a creamy-smooth feel that show up on dark paper.*** Available in 12, 24, 36 & 48 colour sets, plus a portable 14 colour pan set and sets of 6 colours in Pearl, Starry and Gem colours.
Reeves Gouache & Watercolour
Available in tubes sets, Reeves is a student quality paint perfect for beginners or students.
Information supplied by * Winsor & Newton, **Art Spectrum & ***Gasai Tambi

Used dry or with a binding agent, pigments are used for a variety of projects including paint making and resin art. Our range of pigments include:
• Langridge Artist Dry Ground Pigment
• Langridge Liquid Pigment Concentrate.
• Pearlex Powdered pigment, available individually and in sets.
• Brusho Crystal Powder
Specialty Paints
We have fabric paint by Permaset designed as a screen-printing ink but versatile in its brushability. It is heat set but up until that point behaves like an acrylic paint. Other fabric paint available may include Jacquard Lumiere Fabric Paints suitable for leather and Pebeo Vitrail solvent based, glass paint. Want a paint that works like a pen but draws on almost any surface? Try our range of Pilot Pinor Paint Pens available in bright, pastel and metallic colours.
Our selection of inks, watercolour inks, and water-soluble pencils each have their own product information. See subsequent pages on Drawing and Inks.
Although we do not have an online store, we are happy to help you over the phone.
We can deliver or post your items or put them aside in-store for collection.